Today was another restful day...we needed to prepare for the two hiking packed days ahead of us. (This also means no more posts until Wednesday.) We woke up late, ate breakfast in, and then headed out for some European hot chocolate. My goodness... entering that restaurant was like entering chocolate heaven - I swear I heard the little chocolate angels saying "ahhh ah ahh ah ahhhh" as we entered. It was an adorable small restaurant (all the restaurants are small) and they had this patio that overlooked some of the lake (we sat there). Since everything was in french, Uncle John just ordered 4 different kinds and we shared. (They come out in little pitchers and the waitresses pour them into your cup and everything..) If you think you have tasted good hot chocolate in your time, I'm sorry, you ain't tasted nothing until you have tasted European hot chocolate. It makes American hot chocolate taste like water. Of course, you pay for the amazingness, but it is more like chocolate soup, so it fills you up. After filling up on our hot chocolate lunch, we chilled for the rest of the day. (Hence the title of the blog...) We went to the park a few blocks away from the apartment and sat in the shade while looking out at the lake and the Alps across the way. There was a storm across the lake and it produced this beautiful rainbow. I only wish a camera could have captured the lake, the sail boats on the water, the Alps, the clouds, and the rainbow as we saw them this afternoon. I guess it will just be an image we will have to try to remember as we look back. After that peaceful afternoon, we came home, ate more pasta :D, planned out our next two days in the Alps, and packed. We will be going to bed early tonight to get rest for our two hiking days.... Cannot believe we get to go hiking in the Alps! God is too good... Please pray for our trip and we will post about it on Wednesday!
Thanks for faithfully reading...
- Sarah and Kelsey
Some pictures from today:
^ The hot chocolate place we went too...

^ Waiting for our hot chocolate
^ It came!
^ Uncle John and his hot chocolate
^ When in doubt....just eat chocolate :) (the little mushroomy thing is the cream :D)
^ Oh, hello cute little car... I think I'll just wrap you up and take you home with me o_o
^ Bonjour Mr. Camero (I really like all the cars in Europe if you didn't guess already.. :D)
^ Storm on the lake
^ Sailing on the water
^ Kelsey and Sarah in front of the bandstand in the park
^ Closer up....
^ Kelsey and Andy
^ My dad found a sequoia tree in the park...he predicted that in a couple years, it will be the main attraction because of how big it will get... :)
^ Uncle John's apartment
^ Sarah...dreaming of waterfalls of hot chocolate and the little ninjas that make it for us.. >_<
^ Waiting for our hot chocolate
^ It came!
^ Uncle John and his hot chocolate
^ When in doubt....just eat chocolate :) (the little mushroomy thing is the cream :D)
^ Oh, hello cute little car... I think I'll just wrap you up and take you home with me o_o
^ Bonjour Mr. Camero (I really like all the cars in Europe if you didn't guess already.. :D)
^ Storm on the lake
^ Sailing on the water
^ Kelsey and Sarah in front of the bandstand in the park
^ Closer up....
^ Kelsey and Andy
^ My dad found a sequoia tree in the park...he predicted that in a couple years, it will be the main attraction because of how big it will get... :)
^ Uncle John's apartment
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